Primary School
31st March 2023 Attendance Heroes
Monae has had fantastic attendance and comes in ready to learn every day. Keep up the great work Monae!
Cherry Class- Reception Miss Bonfield
Lacey has fantastic attendance and always tries her best to learn. Her attitude towards school is fantastic and is commented on by everyone who teaches her. Keep up the hard work Lacey!
Holly Class – Reception Mrs Terry
Mason has 100% attendance so far in Reception. He is in every day on time. Mason loves being in school and comes in with a big smile on his face every day. Well done, Mason!
Ash Class- Year 1 Mrs Lucas
100% attendance so far in Year One. Dara is the only child in the Ash Class that has achieved this, he attends school every day and on time. Well done Dara!
Fir Class- Year 1 Miss Smith
For having 98% attendance so far in Year One. Archie has a fantastic attitude towards school and his learning. Archie loves coming to school and even when he was sent home poorly, he still wanted to complete his maths work! Fantastic effort Archie, well done!
Elm Class – Year 2 Miss Fazal
Emmanuella has had 100% so far in Year Two since joining our class. She enjoys coming to school and comes in happily each morning. Well done Emmanuella!
Oak class – Year 2 Mrs Moss
Harper has 99% attendance so far in Year Two. This is an incredible achievement. Harper has a fantastic attitude towards her attendance and even when she is feeling under the weather, she puts 100% effort into her learning and it is really paying off. Harper is making excellent progress in her core subjects; especially writing. Well done Harper, keep up the great attendance!
Juniper Class – Year 3 Miss Mannion
Kyla has got 100% attendance so far in Year 3. She is in school on time and ready to learn every day. She loves learning and always tries her best. She is an excellent role model and a delight to have in Juniper class. Well done Kyla, keep up the hard work!
Hazel Class – Year 3 Miss Keane
For being in school, every day, on time and always being happy to learn. Tommy has 99% attendance and has only missed a morning due to an appointment. What a fantastic effort Tommy. Well done!
Alder Class – Year 4 Mrs Vowles
Tyler has 100% attendance this term and shows commitment in everything he does. He’s an absolute pleasure to teach and comes in with a huge smile every day. I’ve seen his confidence soar this year and having excellent attendance will help with this and how he feels about his learning. Tyler is making good progress in all of his subjects and this is down to him being in school every day. Keep up the brilliant work Tyler.
Aspen class – Year 4 Miss Grant
Charlie has 100% attendance this term and this is really helping him to make good progress. His excellent attendance is helping him to feel settled in school and I can see that this is having a positive impact on his confidence. Charlie is hardworking and in maths he excels and really challenges himself. Keep up the brilliant work Charlie.
Maple Class – Year 5 – Mrs Unitt
Ethan gives 100% in everything and is a pleasure to have in our class. He has stepped up to take on the role of King Henry VIII in our class assembly and he has smashed it! He had a rocky start to the academic year and missed quite a bit of school, however he has really turned this around, even coming in to school when not feeling too well. His attendance has had a reflection on his work, and I know he has noticed It too. His last piece of writing was amazing, as no learning was lost during a whole half term! Well done, Ethan. Keep it up!
Hawthorns Class - Year 5 – Mr Dallow
Taliah has achieved 100% attendance this year so far which is an amazing feat. There has been times where Taliah was feeling ill yet she still came into school and gave it her all showing fantastic commitment to her learning. Taliah comes in everyday without fuss and is a great example to others
Beech Class – Year 6 Mr Hales
Chloe gives 100% in everything. She has 100% attendance, dragging herself in even when this is difficult. She cares deeply about doing her best and gives 100% effort in each and every lesson to try and improve her learning. Chloe reads at least 3 times a week, 100% of the time. She has completed 100% of the homework this year. And she does all this quietly and without fanfare, so it is definitely time for to show off and celebrate this. What a fantastic attitude and contribution to school Chloe!
Birch Class – Year 6 Mrs Webb
Harry is one of only two children in my class that has 100% attendance for the whole year so far. I am extremely proud to have Harry as a member of my class and his commitment to school is one of the reasons why. There have been multiple times this year where I can see that Harry has a heavy cold or is under the weather, yet I have never heard him complain once. He turns up on time every single day and, as a result of this commitment, his progress this year has been phenomenal! We are all really proud of you in Year 6 Harry. You have so much to offer. Keep working hard.
Yew – Year 6 Mrs Jackson Mr Kelly Mr Rowe
Logan –
Logan has really improved his attendance this term, he has made a conscious effort to come to school more often. He has recently seen improved results in his test scores and has achieved ARE in his reading test. Logan is very hard working; we can all see a difference when he is in school. He is lively, asks questions in all lessons and is a pleasure to have in our class. Keep it up Logan. You are AICE!