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Primary School

Primary School


Reading in Year 6


The children in Year 6 are organised into different groups for reading. Generally, these are the groups that the children will be in for the year but there can be movement depending on the progress that they make.

We aim for sessions to be both enjoyable and challenging and choose a range of high quality texts from different genres that are engaging.


Home reading 

Reading is an essential skill and we find that those children who read aloud regularly are able to access and get the most out of the school curriculum. To help support this, we ask for children to read at least three times per week and to have this recorded on their electronic home reading diary. The more home reading that is done, the better chance there is to win the end of term home reading prize. Every time a child reads at home, they get a star to fill on a book mark. Each term, a winner is selected from all the completed bookmarks.

Programme of Study


Below is a copy of the year 5 and 6 programme of study set by the Department for Education. This outlines what children in upper key stage 2 need to achieve by the end of primary school.



At Yorkswood, we use VIPERS. This is an acronym, that is easy to remember, for the key skills that are needed to make progress within reading. They are: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summary.

VIPERS questioning

Exciting Books


There are hundreds and hundreds of amazing books out there for every interest and every ability. Just reading what you love will bring you the most pleasure but if you fancy something different or don't know what to read, then have a look at the Year 6 recommendations below.

Useful links


See the links below to help support reading practise and books. Oxford owl is a site where children can have access to a range of books that they can read online.