Primary School
Star of the Week - 25th September 2023
Ash Class- Year 1 Miss Mannion
Isra is a joy to have in Ash class. She has impressed me with her dedication and commitment to school life. She loves learning and always has a smile on her face. She reads regularly at home and has nearly completed her first bookmark. She completes her homework to a high standard and always tries her best. Well done Isra, keep up the hard work!
Fir Class- Year 1 Miss Smith
Tommy always shows great commitment to his learning and really enjoys our maths lessons. He reads regularly at home and also completes his Brain builder homework. He is a joy to have in the classroom and I am very proud of you Tommy, keep up the great work!
Elm Class – Year 2 Mrs Fazal
Tasia has shown great commitment to her learning since the beginning of Year 2. She sometimes can struggle with her writing, but she has shown great enthusiasm and commitment in improving her writing skills. Not only does Tasia show commitment in writing, but Tasia also engages and tries hard across the curriculum. Tasia acts upon any feedback and this can be seen in her work. Keep it up, Tasia!
Oak class – Year 2 Miss Stonehouse
Rocco has shown he is very committed to his learning since starting Year 2. Not only does he actively participate in all of our lessons in school, he also reads at home and completes his brainbuilder work too which is lovely to see! I am really enjoying being your teacher Rocco and look forward to a fantastic year ahead. Keep it up Rocco!
Juniper Class – Year 3 Mrs Moss
Natalia has shown excellent commitment to her learning since the beginning of year three. I have been so impressed with her dedication to her learning and to take on feedback to make improvements. Natalia has completed her brainbuilder homework, read at home and already completed her ten and eleven clubs. Natalia is always keen to know what we will be learning about next and takes an interest in all areas of the curriculum.
Hazel Class – Year 3 Miss Shanley
Tiana has been working extremely hard since the start of the year. She participates in every lesson and shares her great ideas with the class. She has been working hard to improve her writing and has been a great role model for others. Tiana is always willing to try new things and works well independently and in groups. Keep up the good work!
Alder Class – Year 4 Miss Keane
Mankiran is a wonderful member of our class. In every lesson, you can see that she tries her very best and is committed to making her work her own. She asked to receive help one afternoon with a writing task she found tricky which shows that she truly cares about the work she is producing. Keep up the good work Mankiran.
Aspen class – Year 4 Miss Grant
This week, due to Mrs Grant not being in, Aspen Class have had many teachers and lots of new teaching faces to get used to, including Mr Rowe and Mr Kelly. Ayla has adjusted well to this change, and she has been committed to her learning and trying her best and in every lesson. Well done Ayla.
Maple Class – Year 5 – Mrs Unitt
Jack is a pleasure to have in class. He has really impressed me with his positive attitude to learning. He has tried hard with his presentation in his books and his perseverance and commitment have earned him a pen. This is great to see and well deserved! Well done Jack.
Hawthorns Class - Year 5 – Mr Dallow
The commitment that Blake has shown to improving his maths is fantastic. Blake ensures that he gives his full focus in lessons and is striving to achieve within the lesson no matter how difficult the task. This has led to Blake showing progress in his maths and his confidence is improving with every week. Blake is an example to others in that if you focus and work hard at something, your commitment will pay off. Fantastic attitude Blake
Beech class – Year 6 Mr Hales
Ciaran has had a fantastic start to the year. He has really risen to the challenge of year 6 and the high expectations that are required. I have been very impressed with how he listens attentively during lessons and then is committed to applying his new learning to the best of his ability. This amazing attitude was epitomised in a recent P.E lesson where we were learning to cartwheel. Ciaran has an injury that may have hampered his performance but listening carefully to instruction, he was able to keep improving his precision and control to be able to perform an incredible cartwheel at the end of the session. What an excellent attitude Ciaran!
Birch Class – Year 6 Mrs Webb
Grace has been a superstar in everything so far this year. The commitment I have seen to her learning, in all subjects, has been phenomenal. She listens really well to the whole class teaching and always tries to apply what she has been taught to her written work. Her handwriting and presentation has improved and I am really looking forward to seeing how she progresses this year. If she stays this committed, then I am sure that she will achieve well. Keep it up Grace: I am really proud of you.