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Primary School

Star of the Week 22-04-24 Maths


Theme MATHS 

Ash Class- Year 1 Miss Webb 


Tyler has wowed both myself and Miss Nolan in maths this term. He is trying hard to work more independently and this is lovely to see. He has enjoyed taking part in our fact fluency starters and learning his 2’s,5’s and 10 times tables. He particularly enjoys joining in with our times tables songs. We are so proud of you Tyler, Well done! 


Fir Class- Year 1 Miss Smith 


Reign-Beaux has made great progress in maths this year. Her independence in our maths lessons has progressed greatly and it is so nice to see that her confidence has grown too. Reign- Beaux enjoys using different concrete resources to support her with her learning, and she thoroughly enjoys discussing different anchor task with her table partner. Reign- Beaux also enjoys taking part in our fact fluency starters and she likes to join in our whole class discussions. Keep up the fantastic effort Reign- Beaux, well done!  


Elm Class – Year 2 Mrs Fazal 


Lily has made good progress in maths this year. She has really impressed me with how confident she is with explaining her reasoning in maths. Lily uses concrete resources to help her understanding and enjoys maths lessons. She has recently started to get onto extension questions and even challenges herself. Keep it up Lily! 


Oak class – Year 2 Miss Stonehouse 


Since Henley joined our class after Easter he has really impressed me with his maths. He works independently, he’s really supportive to his peers and he loves to show his completed work to the adults in the room. It has been lovely to see Henley settle in so well to Oak Class and the fantastic work he can produce. Keep up the amazing effort Henley!  


Juniper Class – Year 3 Mrs Moss 


Seb is an excellent mathematician; he has made incredible progress this year. I have been particularly impressed with his level of commitment to learning his times tables recently as he is now becoming fluent in his 6 x table. Seb works extremely hard in lessons and always has hand up in class to answer questions. He has developed his fluency and reasoning skills and is able to explain how he works out his answers. Seb has been loving using TTRS and improving his scores. We have been working on some complicated concepts in maths recently to do with fractions and Seb has picked these up well and can independently complete tasks and challenges related to these! Magnificent work Seb!  


Hazel Class – Year 3 Miss Shanley 


This week Ronnie has been working extremely hard in maths lessons. Since Ronnie joined our class, he has made great progress in maths. He has been practicing adding and subtracting numbers to 50 and how now started to apply that knowledge for his 10 times tables. Ronnie’s confidence in his mathematical abilities has really improved and we are all very proud of him. Well done! 


Alder Class – Year 4 Miss Keane


This week we have been working on adding and subtracting fractions. Nico has tried so hard to make sure that he is improving his learning. He has used the counters well and has also supported his peers to use them correctly too. Nico has made amazing progress with his TTRockstars Soundchecks this year and is now consistently scoring 25/25. His 99 club is improving each week, too. Keep up the great work Nico :) 


Mr Tunstall and Mr Wilson 


There have been a few times that Lewis has found school really difficult. In recent weeks I have been hearing that Lewis regularly gets all of his work finished which is a fantastic achievement. 

Our next aim would be to get Lewis engaging in his favourite subject (Maths) in the classroom with his friends. He is good at maths and this would be really helpful for Lewis. 

Keep moving forward Lewis. Small steps 😊 


Aspen class – Year 4 Mrs Williams-Quailey 


 He is an excellent Mathematician, he is always the first to solve the problems, always one of the first to put his hand up in Maths, he really does enjoy Maths he is very passionate about it. Rogan is never happy if he’s unable to solve the Math problem. He loves Maths that much he told me how excited he was that mom was taking him after school to get him another maths book. Excellent attitude Rogan and Yorkswood future Mathematician 😊 


Maple Class – Year 5 – Mrs Unitt 


Riley is making brilliant progress in his maths lessons. He always tries hard, concentrates and stays focused. He has worked on his multiplication, which has enabled him to solve complicated calculations when working with fractions. I know Riley is very pleased with his progress and so am I. He sets a great example to the rest of the class. His presentation has improved as has his confidence. His book is pleasingly covered in green, which is amazing! Well done Riley 


Hawthorns Class - Year 5 – Mr Dallow  


I have been astounded with the progress that Blake has been making within his maths lessons. Blake has worked extremely hard in lessons with a lot of focus. This has led to Blake being able to demonstrate his maths learning through pictorial representations such as bar models, number lines and fraction bars. It has been fantastic to see Blake’s maths understanding progress over the past few months with his presentation also improving. Blake has gone from a shy learner within the maths lessons to a keen contributor to class discussions and questions with his hand going up before I have even finished answering the question! Blake is an example of how hard work and great learning behaviour in the classroom can lead to you learning more and becoming more confident in the lessons. I dare say that Blake now enjoys maths lessons where before he dreaded them!  


Beech class – Year 6 Mr Hales 


Charlie’s maths work has had its pluses and minuses this year. There have been occasions when he is focused and he is making progress but this hasn’t always been consistent. Recently, during our ratio and measures units of work, Charlie has been on it. He is listening intently and following the procedures he needs to attempt his work. This has equalled a noticeable improvement in his understanding. I love to see him eager to answer whole class questions and the smile on his face when he realises how well he is doing. This attitude to work is multiple times better Charlie. I hope that it is the shape of things to come.