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Primary School

Star of the Week - Proud - 14-06-24


Theme PROUD 


Ash Class- Year 1 Miss Webb 


I am so proud of Theo for always showing pride in everything he does. He always works hard and his positive attitude to learning is truly inspiring. Theo consistently completes his work on time and is always striving to be the best. He takes pride in his learning by sharing his knowledge with his classmates, helping others, and setting a positive example. 

Well done Theo! Keep shining and continue to be the super star that you are.  


Fir Class- Year 1 Miss Smith 


Hattie has made fantastic progress this year, she always shows great effort towards all aspects of her learning and she is a model student. Hattie is a brilliant reader and this week, she achieved 40/40 in the ‘phonic screening check’- which is amazing! Hattie loves to write, and her handwriting and presentation is beautiful and I always look forward to reading her work. I am so proud of Hattie for her brilliant achievements so far in Year 1, keep up the hard work Hattie. Well done! 


Elm Class – Year 2 Mrs Fazal 


I am incredibly proud of Emily for all the effort and dedication she has shown. She works hard and has a positive attitude towards learning. This has led to amazing improvements, and it's been wonderful to see Emily grow and succeed. Emily inspires everyone around her with her determination and kindness. Keep up the fantastic work, Emily! 


Oak class – Year 2 Miss Stonehouse 


Louie makes us all feel proud with his fantastic effort and enthusiasm towards his learning, he is keen to join in and loves to impress his teachers which is great to see. His handwriting and presentation has improved massively throughout the year, which is something he should be very proud of and he loves to be challenged in maths too! Louie is having a fantastic year in year 2, keep it up! 


Juniper Class – Year 3 Mrs Moss 


I am so proud of Joseph recently, he has been finding coming to school incredibly difficult but in the last week we have seen a positive change in Joseph and he is now happier coming into school. We love seeing Joseph coming into school with a smile on his face. He has been working hard in all lessons especially in reading where his fluency has improved, and he is becoming more independent in class and can answer a range of comprehension questions. Joseph has lots of potential and it is so lovely to see him working hard and enjoying learning. Well done Joseph! 


Hazel Class – Year 3 Miss Shanley 


I am incredibly proud of Italliah’s behaviour towards learning this week. She has started showing a positive attitude towards learning, eagerness to participate, and willingness to help others. She has started to approach each day with enthusiasm and a genuine love for learning, setting a wonderful example for everyone around her. Keep up the fantastic work, Italliah! 


Alder Class – Year 4 Miss Keane


I have been so proud of Ella over the last few weeks. She is making sure that she is in school, on time, every day which is great. Ella is always working hard in all lessons and is always applying what she has learnt. Her work has improved huge amounts, and we are all so proud of her. Keep it up Ella :) 


Aspen class – Year 4 Mrs Williams 


I am very proud of Amelia as she found getting to school really difficult at the start of the year. However, Amelia has been getting into school on time everyday this term, your determination and effort is very commendable. This is apparent you being much more settled for the start of the day and feeling relaxed and in the frame of mind to learn. I am also proud of you for now making huge effort to complete more Maths activities, for which I think is being on time has contributed greatly to this. Well done and keep up the great effort! 


Maple Class – Year 5 – Mrs Unitt 


Jake makes me proud every single day. He puts 100% into everything he does and always goes that extra mile. The work he produces is of a high standard and his homework equally. He reads 5 times or more every week and always goes above and beyond. Jake has produced many amazing pieces of work, including a bug house – which he created at home. This has been on display in our classroom and the effort he put into making this is clear to see. Jake you are amazing! Keep up the good work. 


Hawthorns Class - Year 5 – Mr Dallow  


I am so proud of all that Raheena has achieved this year. She is a wonderful, respectful and kind individual who always tries her hardest in her learning. She has shown an increasing independence and always arrives to school with a huge smile on her face. As the year has progressed, Raheena has shown her wonderful personality and each day she amazes me with her positive attitude. No matter the subject, Raheena will give it her all and is an example to her fellow students. It has been a very positive year Raheena. You should be oroud of all that you have achieved.  


Beech class – Year 6 Mr Hales 


Morgan is an exceptional student.  He is attentive in class and he really wants to do his best no matter the topic or subject. It is clear that this attitude is not new to Morgan: it is how he has always been. The knowledge and understanding that he has gained, across such a wide range, is proof of this. One area where Morgan has struggled a little bit more is with the presentation of his handwriting. However, he made a commitment to improve this to help him to achieve the year 6 standard in writing. Now, along with his fabulous ideas and content, his handwriting is neat and joined and he is creating work that he should be really proud of. What a superstar! 


Birch Class – Year 6 Mrs Webb 


Korey has been a superstar this year. He doesn’t always find it easy to take on board new learning but he always tries his best. He has been working really hard to improve his mathematical knowledge and he has done this really well. He has made dramatic progress with his basic skills when using the four operations, and has increased his independence. He has worked hard to improve his presentation and his books now look beautiful. He seems to be enjoying school more and I couldn’t be more proud.