Primary School
Fox Room

The Fox Room provides care for children aged 3-5 years. It offers a bright, stimulating environment for your child’s continuing development, and a fun approach to learning both indoors and outdoors with a balance of child initiated and adult led play-based activities.
Fun and self expression are nurtured by our large range of activities that contribute to a fun day. Children will sing songs, learn rhymes, be able to talk about familiar stories and learn new vocabulary.
Children are encouraged to be independent, make choices and make their own decisions. This will be developed through activities such as putting on their coat and shoes. Serving their own meals at lunchtime, pouring drinks at snack time, selecting activities or visiting the toilet with minimal adult support.
We encourage positive behaviour, children learn how to behave in a manner that shows consideration to others, and can talk about their feelings using words like happy, sad, angry. They learn to understand and follow simple rules.
Children talk and sing about the days of the week, they develop fast recognition of up to 3 objects and learn to link numerals and amounts up to 5.
In this room children are prepared for beginning their transition to reception. They acquire the social and emotional skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for success in school and life.