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Primary School

Star of the Week - November 6th 2023




Ash Class- Year 1 Miss Mannion 


Teddy has produced some fabulous pieces of homework this year. I always look forward to looking through his brain builder book and seeing what he has produced. He always tries his best and has made so much progress in Year 1. Teddy also reads regularly at home and practises his spellings. Well done Teddy, keep up the hard work! 


Fir Class- Year 1 Miss Smith 


Jack always produces fantastic pieces of homework every week and I always look forward to seeing what he is going to produce next. Jack always tries hard in lessons and he loves to give his ideas during whole class discussions. Keep up the amazing effort Jack, well done! 


Elm Class – Year 2 Mrs Fazal 


Archie always produces high quality homework and he enjoys completing it at home. He takes pride in his work and is always so proud when he brings in his homework. Archie always does his reading at home and is always wanting to do more as he has such a great love for learning. Well done, Archie! 


Oak class – Year 2 Miss Stonehouse 


River completes homework beautifully each week, she reads regularly and tries her hardest every week. She does all of this with the biggest smile on her face, letting us all know how much she loves school. Well done River, keep it up!  


Juniper Class – Year 3 Mrs Moss 


Emmanuella completes her homework consistently every week and always to a high standard. I particularly loved her black history month and enjoyed reading her interesting facts. Emmanuella enjoys all aspects of school and this is evident in her homework as she is always displaying the skills we have learnt in class. Emmanuella practices her spellings and fact fluency and passed her autumn 1 benchmarks. Great work Emmanuella, keep it up! 


Hazel Class – Year 3 Miss Shanley 


Faiz has been working extremely hard since the start of the year. He is one of our top readers in Hazel class and this has been helping to expand his vocabulary in class. Faiz has also been making excellent progress in swimming lessons. Faiz is kind to his classmates and is always willing to help out. 


Alder Class – Year 4 Miss Keane 


Iris always tries to complete her homework every week and to a good standard. I know Iris also practises her 99 club at home too and as a result has made excellent progress with this. Well done Iris and keep up the great commitment.  


Aspen class – Year 4 Miss Grant 


Ayaan consistently does his homework week in and week out.  It is this commitment to his homework which means Ayaan is my well-deserved star of the week.  Well done Ayaan! 


Maple Class – Year 5 – Mrs Unitt 


Hasheer has a great attitude towards his learning. His homework is always given in on time and is completed to a high standard. Since September I have displayed many pieces of Hashir’s homework on our topic wall. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to your learning Hashir. Keep it up!  


Hawthorns Class - Year 5 – Mr Dallow  


Olajuwon has shown a great attitude to homework and independent learning. If he falls behind with precious homework, Olajuwon ensures that this is still completed as well as up to date homework which is a fantastic effort and exemplifies his focus on improving his independent learning. I am very proud of the independence that Olajuwon shows in school and his homework is an example of this.  


Beech class – Year 6 Mr Hales 


I am so impressed with Elliot’s homework. Not only does he do it all consistently, but he does so at a high standard. Further kudos should also be given to his organisation as it is always brought in neat and unruffled from his bag as he has a very professional homework folder. Elliot particularly excels in his production of brain builder homework and I have had some fabulous work that has been worthy of display, such as his Lego Mayan temple and Mayan jaguar mask. The work you produce shows so many of the Yorkswood AICE values. Well done, Elliot! 


Birch Class – Year 6 Mrs Webb 


Homework is not always something that Oscar has enjoyed doing in the past and I think that I am correct in saying that he hasn’t always been consistent with homework completion. However, I am extremely pleased and proud to say that this year Oscar has made a wonderful attempt to complete homework regularly and to a good standard. He has completed all sorts of work from maths arithmetic and reasoning to designing comic strips, making Mexican meals and designing and making Mexican temples. I really hope that this commitment continues especially as it is a great habit to get into for secondary school success.  Well done Oscar!