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Primary School

Primary School

Key stage 1 (Year 1-2)

Key stage 1 (Year 1-2)


Year 1

Year 2

Designing – Understanding contexts, users and purposes

Work confidently within a range of contexts, such as imaginary, story-based, home, school, gardens, playgrounds, local community, industry and the wider environment


State what products they are making


Say whether their products are for themselves or other users


Describe what their products are for


Say how their products will work


Say how they will make their products suitable for their intended users


Use simple design criteria to help develop their ideas

Work confidently within a range of contexts, such as imaginary, story-based, home, school, gardens, playgrounds, local community, industry and the wider environment


State what products they are making


Say whether their products are for themselves or other users


Describe what their products are for (purpose)


Say how their products will work


Say how they will make their products suitable for their intended users


Use simple design criteria to help develop their ideas using discussion, observation, drawing and modelling.

Designing - Generating, developing, modelling and communicating ideas

Generate ideas by drawing on their own experiences


Use knowledge of existing products to help come up with ideas


Develop and communicate ideas by talking and drawing


Model ideas by exploring materials, components and construction kits and by making templates and mockups


Use ICT, where appropriate, to develop and communicate their ideas

Generate ideas by drawing on their own experiences and others


Use knowledge of existing products to help come up with ideas


Develop and communicate ideas by talking and drawing



Model ideas by exploring materials, components and construction kits and by making templates and mockups in card, paper or ICT


Use ICT, where appropriate, to develop and communicate their ideas

Making - Planning


Plan by suggesting what to do next


Select from a range of tools and equipment, explaining their choices



Select from a range of materials and components according to their characteristics

Plan by suggesting what to do next


Select from a range of tools and equipment, explaining their choices and use correct vocabulary to describe or name them


Select from a range of materials and components according to their characteristics

Making – Practical skills and Activities

Follow procedures for safety and hygiene


Use a range of materials and components, including construction materials and kits, textiles, food ingredients and mechanical components


Measure, mark out, cut and shape materials and components


Begin to assemble, join and combine materials and components


Use finishing techniques, including those from art and design

Follow procedures for safety and hygiene


Use a range of materials and components, including construction materials and kits, textiles, food ingredients and mechanical components



Measure, mark out, cut and shape materials and components with some accuracy


Assemble, join and combine materials and components



Use finishing techniques, including those from art and design

Technical knowledge – Making products work

Know about the simple working characteristics of materials and components from the Year 1 science unit Everyday materials



Explore the movement of simple mechanisms such as levers, sliders, wheels and axles


Begin to explore how freestanding structures can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable


Explore that a 3-D textiles product can be assembled from two identical fabric shape


Begin to use the correct technical vocabulary for the projects they are undertaking

Know about the simple working characteristics of materials and components by building on the Year 1 science unit and using knowledge from the Year 2 science unit Everyday materials


Explore and use the movement of simple mechanisms such as levers, sliders, wheels and axles


Know how  freestanding structures can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable


Cut and join two identical fabric shapes to make a 3-D textiles product using basic sewing techniques


Use correct technical vocabulary for the projects they are undertaking

Evaluating – Own Ideas and Products

Begin to talk about their design ideas and what they are making


Make simple judgements about their products and ideas against design criteria



Suggest how their products could be improved

With confidence talk about their design ideas and what they are making


Make simple judgements about their products and ideas against design criteria such as identifying strengths


Suggest how their products could be improved and possible changes they might make

Evaluating – Existing Products

Pupils will be taught to investigate


Explore what products are and who or what they are for


Explore how products work and how or where they might be used


Explore what materials products are made from


Explore what they like and dislike about products

Pupils will be taught to investigate


Explore what products are and who or what they are for.


Explore how products work and how or where they might be used.


Explore what materials products are made from


Explore what they like and dislike about products

Cooking and Nutrition – Where food comes from

Explore the understanding that all food comes from plants or animals


Explore the understanding that food has to be farmed, grown elsewhere (e.g. home) or caught


Know that all food comes from plants or animals



Know that food has to be farmed, grown elsewhere (e.g. home) or caught

Cooking and nutrition – Food preparation, cooking and nutrition

Start to name and sort foods into the five groups in The Eatwell Plate


Begin to understand that everyone should eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day


Know how to prepare simple dishes safely and hygienically, without using a heat source


Know how to use techniques such as cutting, peeling and grating


Understand how to name and sort foods into the five groups in The Eatwell Plate


Know that everyone should eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day



Demonstrate how to prepare simple dishes safely and hygienically, without using a heat source


Demonstrate how to use techniques such as cutting, peeling and grating