Primary School
Writing in Year 6
The children in Year 6 are organised into different groups for writing. Generally, these are the groups that the children will be in for the year but there can be movement depending on the progress that they make.
Many of the writing units of work are based around a book. The children will use the inspiration and knowledge from the text to help them to write in a range of different genres for a variety of purposes and audiences.
The writing process follows a pattern at Yorkswood. The children begin with completing a cold write task. This is a piece of writing based on a specific writing outcome that will have a focus in the unit of work. The unit of work will then consist of reading the text, using creative techniques like hot seating and conscience alley to understand the text, focusing on particular grammar and text feature skills and using different writing styles. The children will then perform a hot write, where they reproduce the piece of writing they undertook at the start of the unit. This will be then compared to the cold write so that they can see how much improvement they have made over the unit of work. Every half term the children will edit and publish a piece of writing in a special book,
Programme of study
Below is a copy of the year 5 and 6 programme of study set by the Department for Education. This outlines what children in upper key stage 2 need to achieve by the end of primary school. (The grammar aspects will be on the SPAG page)
Texts used
These are the texts that we cover over the year.
At Yorkswood, we teach the children to use cursive script. Using clear joined handwriting is an objective that children need to achieve for their end of year assessment. We use a scheme called 'Letterjoin', which carries on the work in the other earlier years. See examples and a link to the website below.