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Primary School

Primary School


Children from Reception through to year 6 engage in a recipe of shared and guide reading sessions, using a wide variety of books and resources matched appropriately to their levels of skill and understanding. Throughout the week children take part in adult led reading sessions and complete independent activities. We work hard to build children’s love of reading by giving them a range of opportunities.



We use the Read Write Inc scheme to build a strong phonics curriculum starting from Reception. Click on the link below for further information.

Using the Read Write Inc Scheme our phonics teaching intends to;

  • To provide consistent, high quality phonics teaching
  • To ensure the teaching of phonics is systematic and progressive throughout Foundation Stage, KS1 and in KS2 for those children needing further intervention to support phonetic knowledge and understanding.
  • To ensure children have sound phonetic knowledge, understanding and skills so that they can decode words confidently and engage with higher order reading and writing skills.
  • To enable children to start learning phonic knowledge and skills by the age of five, with the expectation that they will become fluent readers, having secured word building and recognition skills, by the end of Key Stage One.
  • To ensure that children have opportunities to read texts and words which are within their phonic capabilities as early as possible.
  • To teach children aural discrimination, phonetic awareness and rhyme to aid reading, writing and spelling development.
  • To encourage children to segment and blend so that decoding skills provide a sound foundation for reading, writing and spelling.
  • To ensure the teaching of phonics is engaging, lively and interactive.
  • To give children a wide variety of opportunities to apply their phonic knowledge outside phonics teaching sessions.

Reading Progression Grids