Primary School
Geography, History, Art and D&T
Topic in Year 6
We teach History, Geography, Art and DT through four topics throughout the year.
Hola Mexico is our first topic. The children explore this unique country, from its towering temples and stunning geography to its pulsing rhythms and fun-packed festivals.
The next topic brings us an opportunity to visit a Victorian Village like Blists Hill or the Black Country Museum as we travel back in time to the Industrial Revolution. The children discover what super-strict schools were like and learn about the ingenious inventors who created many of the things that we take for granted today. They also find out about the differences between the rich and the poor during the Victorian age and the impact that this had on the lives of children.
Our third topic is called 'Gallery Rebels' and takes place during our SATs period. This topic offers the children a break from the intensity of the core subjects. They learn about different periods of art throughout history and have a go at replicating some of the different styles through sketching and painting.
We finally finish the year with 'Blood Heart' where the children get to explore our circulatory system and even have the opportunity to dissect a real heart. They examine the veins, arteries and chambers up close and learn about how to keep our heart healthy.