Primary School
Guided Reading
In Year 2 we follow a 2 week cycle when teaching our guided reading lessons. This is a mixture of whole class teaching and modelling of reading, reading as part of a guided group with the teacher/TA and completing independent activities relating to VIPERS.
Please click on the link below for more information about VIPERS.

Home reading
We expect children to read at home at least 3+ times a week. We encourage children in Year 2 to read little and often and for adults to support this by asking questions when the child is reading.
Children's home reading is monitored and children collect stars to put on their reading star bookmark. When a reading bookmark is completed, children are awarded with 25 dojos and a prize and their bookmark goes into the prize draw. At the end of every term, a child's bookmark is chosen and they get to visit Waterstones to choose a book of their choice.

Year 2 reading spine
Here is a list of recommended books children in Year 2 will read.
Year 2
- ‘Traction Man is Here’ Mini Grey
- ‘Meerkat Mail’ Emily Gravett
- ‘Amazing Grace’ Mary Hoffman
- ‘Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book?’ Lauren Child
- ‘Dr Xargle’s Book of Earthlets’ Tony Ross
- ‘The Flower’ John Light
- ‘Gorilla’ Anthony Browne
- ‘Emily and the Brown Thing’ Cressida Cowell
- ‘Frog and Toad Together’ Arnold Lobel
- ‘The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me’ Roald Dahl
- ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ Roald Dahl
- ‘The Hodegheg’ Dick King-Smith
- ‘Flat Stanley’ Jeff Brown
- ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ Oliver Jeffers
- ‘Willy the Wimp’ Anthony Browne
- 'Oi ' books Key Gray
- ‘Read the book, Lemmings’ Anne Dyckman
- ‘I am Henry Finch’ Alexis Deacon
- ‘Don’t Read This Book’ Jill Lewis
- ‘The Secret of Black Rock’ Joe Todd Stanton
- ‘Grrr’ Rob Biddulph
We also focus on the author Duncan Beedie, who has visited our school. His books are shown below.