Primary School
Star of the Week -Enjoyment - 11th December 2023
Ash Class- Year 1 Miss Mannion
Esmee is a delight to have in Ash Class. She always comes to school with a smile on her face. She has a great attitude towards her learning and loves school. She always participates in lessons and tries her best in everything that she does. She currently has 100% attendance since the beginning of Year 1 and is an excellent role model to others. Well done Esmee! Keep up the hard work.
Fir Class- Year 1 Miss Smith
Luna- Rae
Luna- Rae always shows 100% effort in all lessons and she has a real love of learning. She has made excellent progress since the beginning of Year 1 and I am so proud of her fantastic efforts. Keep up the hard work Luna- Rae, well done!
Elm Class – Year 2 Mrs Fazal
Prince always comes to school with a smile on his face. He is always giving things a great go and has a great love for learning. Prince enjoys schools and is always trying his hardest in all areas of the curriculumn. He is a pleasure to teach and have in Elm class. Well done, Price!
Oak class – Year 2 Miss Stonehouse
Ivy-Niamh loves school and she loves to learn. She always gets involved and gives everything a go with a big smile on her face too. Ivy-Niamh always tries her best and it’s a joy to have her in our class. Well done Ivy-Niamh, keep up the great attitude towards your learning!
Juniper Class – Year 3 Mrs Moss
Ambika is a lovely member of the Juniper class; she is quiet sometimes but always puts 100% effort into everything she does and with a smile on her face. Ambika is building her confidence this year which is fantastic to see. Ambika loves creative activities and always has a smile on her face when she is getting to complete creative tasks. Ambika is such a kind friend and makes everyone smile. It is always a pleasure to see Ambika and I am very proud of how hard-working she is and all the work she produces.
Hazel Class – Year 3 Miss Shanley
Florence is a lovely student to have in my class. She enjoys getting involved in classroom activities and will always do so with a smile on her face. Florence tries her best is every lesson and is always kind to others. She is a creative person and has created some loving colouring pictures this year. Keep up the good work!
Alder Class – Year 4 Miss Keane
This week Harvey has made sure that he has enjoyed every day in school. His work has been fantastic and I know this is because he happy and smiling in school and truly wants to show off what he can do. Keep it up Harvey. We are so proud of you.
Aspen class – Year 4 Miss Grant
Emily-Mae always shows that she is happy to learn, happy to be in school and happy to work with anyone. She is a ray of sunshine in the class.
Maple Class – Year 5 – Mrs Unitt
This half term we as a Year group have really seen Jenson mature and grow. He genuinely seems to enjoy being part of Year 5 and is thoroughly enjoying lessons. He puts in 100% effort, and this is being rewarded in the work he is producing. We are really proud to have him in our classes and love to see him enjoying learning.Keep up the hard work Jenson!
Hawthorns Class - Year 5 – Mr Dallow
Raheena always works hard in lessons and it is fantastic to see the enjoyment that she shows. I am lucky enough to teach Raheena for maths and there is no better sight than when Raheena gets a question correct in lesson: she has a massive smile on her face and is beaming for the rest of the lesson. It was great to hear Raheena say that she enjoys maths now and I am sure that she will continue to progress in the subject.
Beech class – Year 6 Mr Hales
What a delight Ava is! Always cheerful and always positive: she has such a sunny disposition. Ava always throws herself into her work and takes as much enjoyment as she can out of any activity. She is always interested in learning new things and has contributes with her thoughts all the time. Well done, Ava. Keep up the great work.
Birch Class – Year 6 Mrs Webb
Filip is a wonderful boy who genuinely enjoys learning. He listens well in class and often shows a wide general knowledge when sharing his thoughts. Regularly keeping me on my toes, Filip will ask further questions when learning about a new topic. He is genuinely interested to find out as much as he possibly can. It is a pleasure to have Filip as part of Birch class: his smile certainly cheers me up daily. Keep up the great work Filip and you will go far!