Primary School
At Yorkswood we know that writing is a journey which starts at a young age. Children in Nursery focus on pre-writing skills, beginning with a focus on developing strength in the muscles needed for writing. Staff work hard to encourage children to mark make in a variety of ways, a love of writing is key for the future! When they are ready children work on the anti-clockwise movement needed to make circles before they start to write letters. Some children will work on writing their name during their time in Nursery. In Reception, children continue to develop their skills, learning to write the letters to match the sounds, using the letter formation rhymes they learn during Phonics sessions. Children move from writing initial sounds to sounding out words to write labels and captions then writing sentences by the end of their year in Reception. Children also learn how to write “tricky” words which cannot be sounded out.
More information about the teaching of writing is in the document Writing at Yorkswood Early Years below. We have also attached some ideas for supporting your child at home during all stages of writing.