Primary School
Star of the Week 10th July 2023
Ash Class- Year 1 Mrs Lucas
I am so proud of Lexi this year, during the last term she has matured so much. Lexi’s attitude towards her learning is fantastic, she is always so eager to learn and constantly wants to impress her teachers. I am going to miss having her in my classroom next year and I know she will continue to do well in Year Two.
Fir Class- Year 1 Miss Smith
I am so proud of Hallie for her fantastic attitude and effort she shows toward her learning. Hallie has excelled with her phonics and reading this year, and she scored very highly in the Year 1 phonic screening check. I know that Hallie will continue to achieve amazing things at Yorkswood, and I will miss her next year. Super effort Hallie, well done!
Elm Class – Year 2 Miss Fazal
I am so proud of Joseph for his great effort in his writing and maths. He has shown a great improvement in all areas of the curriculum and has shown great commitment towards his learning this year. Joseph always tries and takes pride in his work. Well done, Joseph!
Oak class – Year 2 Mrs Moss
I am so proud of Florence for her incredible attitude towards her learning and never giving up. Even when Florence finds something difficult, she will persevere, and this is an amazing attribute to have. Florence has made excellent progress in all areas of learning this year, she is a kind and caring little girl who works so hard. Florence scored really well in the Year 2 Maths SATs paper and this is something to be so proud of. Incredible work this year Florence, well done!
Juniper Class – Year 3 Miss Mannion
I have been very proud to be Iris’s teacher this year. She has shown a great commitment to school life and has 100% attendance in Year 3 which is a fantastic achievement. Iris always completes her homework and reads regularly at home. She has a fantastic attitude to her learning and always tries her best. Iris is also a supportive member of Juniper class and has recently become a Peacemaker. Well done Iris, I wish you all the best for Year 4!
Hazel Class – Year 3 Miss Keane
I have a beaming smile on my face as I write this comment. Over the past few weeks, Amelia has shown to herself that…quite simply… SHE CAN ACHIEVE! I have always believed in Amelia and knew that she was capable of many things but she didn’t always believe in herself. She has worked incredibly hard to develop her independence this year and as a result, now enjoys just giving all tasks a go. I am so proud of your mindset and know that you can achieve anything you want to, if you keep up the committed learning attitude, Amelia.
Alder Class – Year 4 Mr Nawaz
I am always proud of Jake and his attitude towards his work every single day. He is an excellent role model and always tries his best in everything that he does. Jake always makes sure that everyone is included in whatever he is doing. He is a superstar and I enjoy teaching him. Keep up the great work Jake! Well done!
Aspen class – Year 4 Miss Grant
Isabella makes us proud every single day. She is an absolute role model for her effort in everything that she does. She is kind and a great listener which makes her a good friend and a great learner She is also an ambassador for team work too: in sports and in the classroom. Isabella is an all-round pleasure to teach. Well done, Isabella!
Maple Class – Year 5 – Mrs Unitt
Morgan makes me proud every day. His attitude towards learning is amazing and he gives 100% effort in everything he does. He listens well and is always eager to learn new things and contributes well in class. I am proud of all his hard work this year – as he never gives up! Morgan you really are a role model. Well done!
Hawthorns Class - Year 5 – Mr Dallow
I am extremely proud of the student that Filip has become in Year 5. Not only has he matured a lot during the time in the Hawthorns, but he has also become a lot more driven and focused on achieving his potential. He has a fantastic personality and is a hard working individual who strives for success in his lessons. You should be really proud of your efforts this year Filip.
Beech class – Year 6 Mr Hales
Rahaf is a conscientious and determined young lady. She has achieved really well this year which is due to her hard work and dedication, both at home and at school. She should be really proud of herself. I really admire how proud Rahaf is of her heritage and it has been lovely to see how she has been able to incorporate this into the year six performance and including this in our dance sessions in P.E for us all to take part in.
Birch Class – Year 6 Mrs Webb
Holly makes me smile a lot. Her kind and caring nature always shines through in whatever activity we are completing. During the rehearsals for the leavers’ production, Holly has remembered her lines, behaved well and always carried out her parts as if it is the final performance. This makes me extremely proud because it isn’t an easy thing to do when rehearsing can be repetitive. It is nice to know that there is someone to rely on to give 100% every time. I have also noticed Holly wanting to draft her work more in wider curriculum lessons to try to ensure that her work is always of a good quality. What an improvement in attitude since the start of the year. I am really proud of you Holly and hope that you are proud of yourself.
Yew – Year 6 Mrs Jackson Mr Kelly Mr Rowe
Amelia is an all-round super star. She comes to school every day with a smile on her face and ready to see what the day brings. She is a bright and friendly young lady, who is a popular member of the class and gets on with everyone. Amelia has beautiful handwriting and always presents her work neatly, clearly showing pride in her work. She carries herself respectfully and follows school rules, making her an excellent role model to others. Amelia has twice been a member of Girl Power, where she has shown increased confidence and has assisted others in building confidence, being more active and forming friendships. She embodies the Yorkswood values and does it with pride. Well done, Amelia.