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Primary School

Primary School


Guided Reading 


Currently in Year 1 we are teaching guided reading as a whole class, developing a love of reading and exploring key texts. We focus on a VIPER each week and children have the opportunity to work independently, in pairs and in groups to practise these skills.


After Christmas, Year 1 we will follow a 2 week cycle when teaching our guided reading lessons. This is a mixture of whole class teaching and modelling of reading, reading as part of a guided group with the teacher/TA and completing independent activities relating to VIPERS. 


Please click on the link below for more information about VIPERS

Home Reading


We expect children to read at home at least 3+ times a week. We encourage children in Year 1 to read little and often and for adults to support this by asking questions when the child is reading. 

Children's home reading is monitored and children collect stars to put on their reading star bookmark. When a reading bookmark is completed, children are awarded with 25 dojos and a prize and their bookmark goes into the prize draw. At the end of every term, a child's bookmark is chosen and they get to visit Waterstones to choose a book of their choice.



Year 1 Reading Spine


Here is a list of recommended books children in Year 1 will read-

  • 'Peace at Last' Jill Murphy
  • 'Can't You Sleep Little Bear?' Martin Waddell
  • 'Avocado Baby' John Burningham
  • 'Lost and Found' Oliver Jeffers
  • 'Knuffle Bunny' Mo Willems
  • 'Beegu' Alexia Deacon
  • 'Dogger' Shirley Hughes
  • 'Cops and Robbers' Alan and Jane Ahlerg
  • 'Elmer' David McKnee
  • 'Where the Wild Things Are' Maurice Sendak


Other Recommendations:

  • 'Pumpkin Soup' Helen Cooper
  • 'Not Now, Bernard' David McKnee
  • 'This is not my Hat' Jon Klassen
  • 'A Bit Lost' Chris Haughton
  • 'Shh We Have a Plan' Chris Haughton
  • 'Winnie the Witch' Korky Paul
  • 'Hoot Owl. Master of Disguise' Sean Taylor