Primary School
Star Of the Week - Maths - 13th November 2023
Ash Class- Year 1 Miss Mannion
Finn is an excellent mathematician and loves working with numbers. He has really impressed me with his mental maths skills this year. He can recall his number bonds to 10 and his doubles facts very quickly. He always has his hand up and participates in lessons; which is great to see. He loves a challenge and shows great enthusiasm in Maths lessons. Well done Finn, keep up the hard work.
Fir Class- Year 1 Miss Smith
Hudson is a fantastic mathematician; he always tries his best in every lesson and loves to use concrete resources, such as counters, to support his learning. Hudson enjoys completing extra challenges and can recall his fact fluency facts very quickly. Keep up the fabulous effort Hudson, well done!
Elm Class – Year 2 Mrs Fazal
Lily has been working hard in her maths over the last couple of weeks. She always tries her hardest and enjoys a challenge. Lily always completes her work quickly and gets onto the extension questions. Keep up the good work, well done!
Oak class – Year 2 Miss Stonehouse
Evaleigh has really impressed us all in maths over the past few weeks. She works hard and always tries her best, using equipment and drawings to help her when needed. Not only does she try her hardest to complete her own work, she also loves to explain her working out with her classmates and walk them through problems to help them understand tricky work too. Recently Evaleigh came to IWB and explained a question perfectly step by step like our very own Rachel Riley. Keep it up Evaleigh!
Juniper Class – Year 3 Mrs Moss
Alfie is an absolute maths superstar! Since the start of year three I have been so impressed with Alfie’s mental strategies and his ability to reason and problem solve. Alfie can add and subtract two 3-digit numbers mentally as well as using written methods to check his calculations. Alfie is always one of the first to finish and loves a challenge and always gets on to questions 4, 5 and 6. Alfie works well during partner and group work in maths and has excellent vocabulary to explain how to work something out and to answer tricky word problems. You should be very proud of yourself Alfie, Well done!
Hazel Class – Year 3 Miss Shanley
Khizar has really impressed us all with his maths skills over the last few weeks. He always tries his best and uses concrete resources to help. He is able to explain his answers thoroughly and participates well during lessons. I have been very happy with his progress.
Alder Class – Year 4 Miss Keane
Ivy is a great mathematician and it is clear that she likes maths. She is always willing to contribute and also likes to explain her reasoning in greater depth. She loves a challenge and is now even challenging me to find resources that will challenge her maths understanding even further as she is just so quick at solving answers, calculations and explaining her thoughts.
Aspen class – Year 4 Miss Grant
De’Anna is a super mathematician. She works carefully and accurately and thinks about her learning. She explains her answers really well. De’Anna is getting this award because of her effort in learning: she works hard to answer lots of questions in each lesson and so she stretches to the very trickiest questions each day. This means she makes loads of progress!
Maple Class – Year 5 – Mrs Unitt
Tyler is a superstar in maths. His confidence has really grown, and he has developed brilliant knowledge of place value in our lessons. He always puts his hand up to answer questions and is willing to come to the front to show us how he works things out. He is now taking his time when working out equations, which is resulting in a huge increase in his answers which are correct. I am so proud of you Tyler! Keep up the good work!
Hawthorns Class - Year 5 – Mr Dallow
Leighton has come on leaps and bounds in his maths this year. His confidence and independence has greatly improved. He is able to use various representations to demonstrate his understanding as well as explaining his methods to others. Leighton has also engaged really well with our mastering number project and is able to demonstrate a multiplicative understanding of division and multiplication equations. Keep working hard in your maths Leighton!
Beech class – Year 6 Mr Hales
I have been so impressed with Ibrahim in maths. He has a natural aptitude for the subject and he is able to recall number facts and times tables quickly. Although he is very able at maths, Ibrahim was prone to making simple mistakes. However, he has worked hard to become more careful when performing his working out and his presentation has become much clearer so that we can both find and read his answers. He scores highly on his weekly arithmetic tests and I have high hopes for him in his end of year SAT. Well done Ibrahim.
Birch Class – Year 6 Mrs Webb
Ruqayya is an absolute superstar in maths! To be honest, I don’t think she realises just how good she is. In the last few weeks, I have really seen a change in Ruquayya’s attitude to learning across all subjects. She was very laid back at the start of the year and could become easily distracted. However, her work ethic has really improved and as a result, so has the quality of her work. In maths, she always completes what has been set and she rarely makes mistakes. She is able to support other children and explain her understanding to help them progress too. Her fluency in arithmetic challenges is fantastic but she is also able to apply this knowledge to problem solving. I am really proud of your progress Ruqayya and hope that it continues.