Primary School
Star of the Year 2023
Star of the Year AICE Award 2023
Hazel Class – Year 3 Miss Keane
Jack you have had a fabulous year this year and you really do show that you are AICE every single day. Jack works well with everybody in the class and he is a really kind, supportive and caring friend. Jack’s commitment to his work has gone from strength to strength this year and the progess he has made has been phenomenal. His writing has improved and he is making greater efforts to work independently and to make his work the best it can be. Jack has a brilliant personality and he works hard in all lessons. He is always following instructions and works hard to make sure that he a good role model to others in the class. Keep it up Jack. You are AICE.
Elm Class – Year 2 Miss Fazal
I am so proud of Joseph for his great effort in his writing and maths. He has shown a great improvement in all areas of the curriculum and has shown great commitment towards his learning this year. Joseph always tries and takes pride in his work. Well done, Joseph!
Acorns class – Nursery Miss Pugh
Wow Dhanjit, you are AICE. What a transformation from the little boy who started with us, having never been anywhere else before, to now. You have worked so hard on your listening, social and playing skills. You are the kind, considerate and a joy to have in my class. Dhanjit you have become more determined to achieve you aim and have showed your creative side in the construction area. Well done, Dhanjit.
Cherry Class- Reception Miss Bonfield
It has been a pleasure to teach Annie in Cherry Class this year. She always has a big smile on her face and takes part in everything we do. Annie is an exceptional student with an amazing attitude to learning. She always tries her best and takes pride in her achievements. Annie shows an incredible level of attention to detail and is dedicated to ensuring her work is of the highest standard. This commitment has led to her amazing progress achieving greater depth in Reading, Writing and Maths and completing the Phonics scheme over a year earlier than expected. Annie works hard at home, completing all her homework and reading consistently. She is kind and considerate, always going out of her way to help anyone who needs a hand, whether that is staff or other children. She is the perfect example of AICE and I know this will continue as she moves into Year 1! Well done Annie!
Holly Class – Reception Mrs Terry
We have loved having Tommy in Holly Class and it has been wonderful to see him grow so much in confidence and independence over the year. Tommy always gives everything 100% and shows great pride in his achievements. He approaches everything with enthusiasm – especially if it involves football! This commitment is reflected in the amazing progress he has made in every area during his time in Reception. He is a fantastic friend who always put others before himself and he is the first to offer support to a classmate who is struggling. Tommy, you are AICE and you absolutely deserve this award! Well done, Tommy!
Ash Class- Year 1 Mrs Lucas
Jensen has been a joy to have in the classroom this year and I am proud to have been his teacher. Throughout the year, Jensen has worked consistently hard in the classroom and at home. He is very committed to his learning, reads regularly at home and completes Brainbuilder homework to a high standard weekly. Jensen is a great role model to have in the class, he strives to do his best and is a kind and caring friend to his peers. Jensen thoroughly deserves this award; he really is AICE and I know this will continue in Year Two. Congratulations Jensen!
Fir Class- Year 1 Miss Smith
Ghram is a kind and caring member of the Fir class and I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching her this year. She can always be relied upon to do her best and Ghram always puts 100% effort into everything she does. Ghram has a great attitude towards her learning and has made excellent progress this year, especially in phonics and guided reading. Ghram consistently reads 3x a week at home and has completed all homework activities, which is fantastic! Thank-you for working so hard this year Ghram you have been a great role model in the Fir Class and I know you will continue to work hard during your time at Yorkswood. Well done Ghram!
Elm Class – Year 2 Mrs Fazal
I have been really impressed with Ronnie this year and he has shown that he is A.I.C.E every day. Ronnie is committed towards his learning and has worked extremely hard this year across the curriculum. He has made fantastic progress throughout the year, and this is due to his hard work and determination towards his learning. Ronnie always tries his best and never gives up. He is a kind member of Elm class and always looks out for his peers. Ronnie is an excellent role model for behaviour and learning and it has been a pleasure watching Ronnie grow into such a confident individual. I have been particularly impressed with Ronnie’s handwriting this year as this was a key area of development for Ronnie. With hard work and support Ronnie has now even started joining his writing and has made amazing progress with using his phonics to sound out words. Well done, Ronnie!
Oak class – Year 2 Mrs Moss
Nancy is the epitome of A.I.C.E! This year Nancy has achieved so much, I am immensely proud of her. Nancy puts100% effort into everything she does, and she scored amazingly in all her year two sats papers. Nancy has made incredible progress; she is working at greater depth in reading and maths, and this is down to her commitment and love of learning. Nancy is an enthusiastic and bubbly member of the class who always has a smile on her face. Nancy lights up any room she is in and has a brilliant sense of humour. Nancy is an excellent friend; she includes others in her games and has a lovely group of friends. Nancy is committed to all her learning; she works hard in every lesson, reads at home, and completes her homework every week! Nancy has worked hard on her handwriting and now joins consistently and has received the golden pencil twice this year. Nancy enjoys all areas of the curriculum and has shown so much improvement. I am so proud of you Nancy; you have had an amazing year and I am sure you will continue all your hard work in Year Three.
Juniper Class – Year 3 Miss Mannion
Ivy is the perfect example of A.I.C.E. Ivy has had a fabulous year in Year 3 and has achieved so much. Ivy always shows commitment and puts 100% effort into all areas of school life. She strives to achieve her best every day and has completed her homework weekly and reads regularly at home. She loves school and always arrives with a big smile on her face. Ivy has made me very proud this year. She is an excellent friend and makes sure everybody has someone to play with and helps her peers with their school work. She is a great role model to all the other children and she should be very proud of what she has achieved this year. Well done Ivy. Keep up the hard work in Year 4!
Alder Class – Year 4 Mr Nawaz
During my time in Alder class, Gracie has shown how committed she is and how much of an AICE pupil she is! Gracie works exceptionally well in every single lesson and always gives everything a go. She always gets on with everyone in the class and she is always there to lend a helping hand to those who are in need of help. Gracie is a very respectful young girl. She is committed to her learning and she always puts her hand up. She has shown amazing improvements in her maths work and writing work. She is always respectful to her peers and other teachers around the school. I am so proud of you Gracie, keep up the amazing attitude!
Aspen class – Year 4 Miss Grant:
What an AICE pupil you are Ghazl! You have achieved really well this year, because you work really hard in every single lesson. You are happy to work, play and talk with anyone. You show understanding and tolerance towards everyone because you know we are all different. This means you are really inclusive of others. You are 100% committed to your learning and you throw yourself whole-heartedly into every single lesson. You never fail to try to answer a question, your hand is always up, you do all your homework (and more). You are respectful and thoughtful towards teachers and everyone in the school. You work hard outside of school as well as in the classroom. You put in the effort and it shows. We are proud of you Ghazl!
Maple Class – Year 5 – Mrs Unitt
Bobby – you really are 100% AICE! What can I say? Bobby, you have had the best year and have really come so far in every aspect of school life. To see how you have matured over the last year makes me so proud. You are a polite, well-mannered sensible boy, who is a role model within Maples. Your positive attitude towards learning, just keeps growing and growing, which reflects amazingly in the work you produce in class. You stay focused and try your best in all lessons. You are a great friend, who is always willing to go that extra mile. This year you have shown, commitment, enthusiasm and enjoyment whilst learning – and you now never give up. This year you have constantly made me smile. Bobby – you should be proud of yourself – you are everything AICE stands for.
Hawthorns Class - Year 5 – Mr Dallow
Alfie epitomises our AICE values at school. He has really worked hard this year and shows effort and enthusiasm in all that he does. His positive attitude impacts upon others and he is always smiling and happy. He is kind to others and a real role model to the younger children of the school. Alfie is always doing the right thing and following the rules and expectations within the classroom whilst also having fun and enjoying the learning. Your sunny disposition has been a valued attribute to the Hawthorn class this year Alfie and you should be really proud of all that you have achieved. You really are AICE! T
Beech class – Year 6 Mr Hales
What a fabulous young man Krystian is. He is such a polite and kind young man. He is considerate of others around him and is always looking to support people in anyway that he can. Krystian is never overawed by tasks and he is always working hard to complete his work. This has culminated in him making accelerated progress towards the end of the year. I have loved seeing Krystian’s enthusiasm for his learning and he will really throw himself into things, quite literally in his dance act, in the performance. What fantastic commitment, enthusiasm and enjoyment! Krystian, I am so proud of your achievements this year.
Birch Class – Year 6 Mrs Webb
I don’t know where to begin with explaining to you all what a true delight it is to have Oliver as part of your class. He demonstrates our AICE values in everything that he does. Oliver’s achievements this year have been phenomenal. He doesn’t always find his learning easy but he tackles every task with determination and resilience. He has made excellent progress this year, particularly in maths where he achieved ARE in his SATs. This was a wonderful achievement for Oliver and came largely because of his commitment to his learning. He attended tutoring after school every week for a term and a half. Oliver loves to learn and I don’t think that I have ever seen him have a cross word with anybody. Not only does he enjoy school, but he brings enjoyment to everyone around him with his great sense of humour and caring nature. Life is certainly never dull with Oliver around. You should be really proud of your achievements Oliver. Yorkswood will really miss you next year.
Yew – Year 6 Mrs Jackson Mr Kelly Mr Rowe
Daisy is AICE! She stands for all of our school values, she achieves, she is inclusive, she is committed and she enjoys every day in school. Since day one in year 6, Daisy has produced work to the highest standard, she listens well, and follows instructions. Daisy is an Empowering Girls Mentor, she has attended numerous afterschool club to help the younger girls build confidence and resilience, she is a role model to all. She reads at home, completes homework and will go the extra mile, trying to become the next children’s author with her book series ‘CHEZ BURGER!’ Finally, Daisy is a happy young lady who always has a smile and always wants to know how your weekend or your day has been. With 100% attendance to top it off, Daisy you are the cherry on top of the cake.