Primary School
Star of the Week 08-04-24 Homework
Ash Class- Year 1 Miss Webb
Annie always produces outstanding pieces of homework. Her work is beautifully presented at all times and completed on time. Annie is an extremely hard worker and perfectionist in all aspects of her work making her a super role model to her class mates.
Well done Annie, Keep up the hard work!
Fir Class- Year 1 Miss Smith
Joey’s Brainbuilder homework is always beautifully presented and completed to a very high standard. Before Easter, Joey created a fantastic model ‘fairy garden’ which was very creative and lovely to look at. Joey always reads at home and is currently on his blue reading bookmark, which is amazing! Joey is a fantastic role model to all and he is a kind friend. Keep up the fantastic effort Joey, we are so proud of you. Well done!
Elm Class – Year 2 Mrs Fazal
Ghram is always consistent in completing and producing homework to a high quality. I always enjoy receiving homework from Ghram as she always puts 100% effort into her work. She enjoys completing homework and enjoys showing me what she has completed. Ghram is also consistent with her reading at home and she shows a great interest in her learning. Well done, Ghram!
Elm Class – Year 2 Mrs Fazal
I am so proud of how Saksham has settled into Year 2. He has been working hard across all subjects and is starting to slowly speak English with his peers. Saksham has made some lovely friendships groups and is a kind member of Elm class. He puts in 100% effort into all his work and it's such a joy to have Saksham part of our class. Well done, Saksham!
Oak class – Year 2 Miss Stonehouse
In year 2 there has been a big push on reading, and Amber has really impressed me with the effort she has made to read more at home. It is lovely to see Amber enjoying a range of books both in school and at home, she reads beautifully with lots of tone and expression and it is clear to see that she has been practising lots. Keep up the fantastic reading Amber!
Juniper Class – Year 3 Mrs Moss
Natalia is one of the most committed members of the Juniper class, she is always consistent with bringing her homework in and tries hard to complete it to the best of her ability. Natalia has made lots of progress this year and I have been so impressed with her effort and determination to continue to work hard and complete her tasks. Natalia reads regularly at home and is currently working on her purple bookmark which is fantastic. I am so proud of Natalia, is working so hard this year and I also look forward to seeing her homework book every week. Keep it up!
Hazel Class – Year 3 Miss Shanley
Demians is a fantastic student in my class who always has his homework completed each week. He takes time so that his homework is presented neatly and has some fantastic, creative ideas. This dedication shows in his work as he has come out with great results in his assessments. Well done, Demians! Keep up the hard work!
Alder Class – Year 4 Miss Keane
Atreus is always very creative with his homework and you can clearly see the effort that has gone into it. He has produced many creative pieces this year but my favourite was definitely his 9x times tables poster made out of buttons. He is always handing his homework in on time which is great to see. Keep it up Atreus.
Aspen class – Year 4 Mrs Williams-Quailey
Ayaan has been chosen this week as he has consistently completed his homework every week since September. It is quite obvious that Ayaan puts great effort into completing his homework, he did a brilliant poster for our topic Electricity topic in Science which has been displayed on our Science wall in class - well done Ayaan keep it up!
Maple Class – Year 5 – Mrs Unitt
Ramgie joined our school later in the year. He has settled in beautifully and is a pleasure to teach. Every week without fail he produces all homework given to an amazing standard. He also takes the time to upload it onto teams so we can all admire the amazing work he completes. Thank you Ramgie, and keep up the good work.
Hawthorns Class - Year 5 – Mr Dallow
Since the start of the year, Hollie has really improved in the amount and quality of her homework. Hollie has also taken extra time out to improve her arithmetic scores which is part of her homework. Her willingness to do this has really impressed me and she is now starting to see her scores double because of this! This is a fantastic achievement and shows what can happen when you show drive and independence. It is fantastic to see her taking more responsibility in her learning and showing increased commitment. I hope that Hollie continues this as this growing maturity will set her up nicely for Year 6. Keep up the great work Hollie and continue to push yourself in all that you do.
Beech class – Year 6 Mr Hales
Completing homework can be difficult at times and at the start of the year Chianne found this hard. However, she has become so much more resilient and dedicated to make sure that she completes all of her homework tasks. I have seen that she has become much more responsible for her learning and she is striving to be her very best in class and her mature approach to completing her homework and home reading also reflects this. Chianne is a very bright young lady and the extra work she does at home will help her to reinforce her brilliant classroom practise and drive her forward to achieve the incredible work that she is capable of. Well done Chianne.
Birch Class – Year 6 Mrs Webb
Across the course of the year so far, it has been wonderful to see the progress that Grace has made with her work. She has grown in maturity and her attitude to learning is wonderful. This fantastic attitude that we see in school, is also being replicated at home. Grace never fails to complete her homework on time and is always keen to ask for support if there is something that she has struggled with. I am also aware that Grace is taking part in extra sessions at home at the weekends. What a wonderful commitment to her learning! Not only does she work hard for herself, but she even offers other children help and support if they are struggling. She had completed a huge pack of work over the Easter holidays, and she offered to stay in at lunch time to help and support somebody who hadn’t yet finished their work. I am really proud of you Grace and you deserve to have every success as you move through your school life. keep up the wonderful attitude.