Primary School
Star of the Week - Inclusion - 19-02-24
Ash Class- Year 1 Miss Mannion
Ayaat is a joy to have in Ash class. She is kind and always willing to help others. She makes sure all members of the class feel included and is very caring. She is always offering to help out with jobs around the classroom and is very thoughtful. Well done Ayaat! Keep up your hard work.
Fir Class- Year 1 Miss Smith
Layla is a kind and caring member of Fir class; she is very supportive towards others and likes to make other children feel included. Layla is a delight to have in class and she always puts 100% effort into every lesson. I am so proud of you Layla, keep up the fantastic effort. Well done!
Elm Class – Year 2 Mrs Fazal
Jonah is a kind and considerate member of Elm class. He has been such a helpful peer to our new child who only started this week. Jonah works well with others and always enjoys working with different children. It is always so lovely to see Jonah being so positive to other members of Elm class with a lovely smile on his face.
Oak class – Year 2 Miss Stonehouse
Ava is a lovely member of our class and a role model to her peers in year 2. She is kind, caring and always likes to make sure that everyone is happy which is lovely to see. Ava plays and works with lots of different children and can get on with everyone, she always tries her best and is an all round star. We love having you in our class Ava, keep it up!
Juniper Class – Year 3 Mrs Moss
It is an absolute pleasure to have Darcie in Juniper class. She is a kind and caring member of the class who is always helping and supporting her peers. Darcie is happy to work with anyone in the class and is inclusion on the playground also. I can always count on Darcie to put 100% effort into everything she does even when she finds it tricky. I have been so proud of how much she is progress she is making. Keep it up!
Hazel Class – Year 3 Miss Shanley
Belle is a lovely and polite student in my class. She supports her classmates in partner work and is a positive role model for others. Belle works well in a team and make sure that everyone is included. It is always a lovely to see Belle playing outside with her friends and including others in her games. It is a pleasure to have Belle in my class.
Alder Class – Year 4 Miss Keane
Leila is such a delight to have in class. She is such a kind girl and is an excellent example to others. She works well with anyone who she works with and is a great team player. Well done Leila. Keep up the great work.
Aspen class – Year 4 Mrs Williams-Quailey
Abbi is a quiet but very confident pupil. She listens and focuses very well in class, she is also very helpful and always puts her hand up to participate. She puts a 100% effort in her work and takes pride in her presentation always. Excellent Abbi keep it up!
Maple Class – Year 5 – Mrs Unitt
Alfie is a polite and kind boy who always comes into class with a smile. He is very supportive of others, especially when something is troubling them. He always tries his best in all his lessons and produces the most beautifully presented work, Alfie is a real asses to our class. Keep up the good work!
Hawthorns Class - Year 5 – Mr Dallow
Due to how approachable and friendly he is, Rayyan is an extremely inclusive member of the Hawthorn class. He is the first to support others and ensures that everyone feels involved in whatever activity they are doing. It is fantastic to see Rayyan constantly supporting his classmates in lessons. Great work Rayyan.
Beech class – Year 6 Mr Hales
Ethan is such a lovely young man. He is kind, caring and thoughtful, he is always ready to support others should the need arise and he is always doing little things to make life easier for his peers. For example, in every maths lesson he is always first in and is getting everyone’s equipment ready for them for when they arrive. It is always a pleasure to see Ethan play outside too, playing with such a wide range of children from across the school in year 6 and other year groups. Well done Ethan.
Birch Class – Year 6 Mrs Webb
Alfie is one of those boys who gets on with everybody and who will always make sure that children around him are happy. When sorting my class into groups, I can always count on the fact that I can ask Alfie to work with absolutely anybody. He listens well ingroup situations and will share his ideas considerately making sure that all members of the group are included. Alfie is a hard-working boy and I am proud to have him as a member of Birch class.