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  • Top Tips to keep you and your children Sun Ready

    Thu 25 May 2023

    From Soltan & Macmillan’s Top Tips to keep your little ones Sun Ready (Soltan Sun Ready - Soltan & Macmillan’s Top Tips to keep your little ones Sun Ready)


    Protecting you and your family in the sun:

    We have created five top tips for you and your family to stay sun safe:

    1. Use a sun cream with a high sun protection factor (SPF) and UVA protection. Choose one that is SPF30 or higher and at least 5‑star UVA protection *. Follow the instructions on the bottle and reapply as recommended, particularly after swimming.
    2. Spending time outside enjoying the warm weather can lead to dehydration, so make sure to drink plenty of water to keep yourself safe in the sun. Don’t wait until you get thirsty!
    3. Cover up and protect yourself and your children’s skin by wearing a long-sleeved shirt made of cotton or natural fibres and a wide-brimmed hat.
    4. To protect your eyes, make sure you and your family are wearing sunglasses with a guaranteed ultraviolet (UV) light filter.
    5. Find a shady spot to sit and play, especially between 11am and 3pm when the sun is usually strongest.

    Keeping young babies safe:

    Be extra careful with children under six months; babies’ skin is much more sensitive than adult skin. Keep babies under the age of six months out of direct sunlight at all times.


    Explaining the need for sun protection to children:

    Applying sun cream may seem boring, but once kids learn about how it protects them from the sun’s rays, they’ll be more likely to regularly reapply. Try applying sun cream to each other to make it more interactive. Once they’re in a routine of applying their cream before sun exposure, it will become a habit and set them up for protecting their skin in the future.


    You can also use Soltan’s Sun Ready activity resources, available on this website, which help teach children about the importance of protecting themselves in the sun in a fun and engaging way!


    About Macmillan Cancer Support

    Boots UK and Macmillan Cancer Support are working together to provide cancer information and support on the high street. For more information visit

    If you or anyone you know has questions or concerns about cancer, talk to Macmillan on 0808 808 00 00, open 7 days a week, 8am – 8pm or visit


    * The star rating is a measure of the absorbance of UVA relative to UVB. Other brands not displaying a star rating symbol may still offer high levels of UVA protection.

  • Star of the Week 19-05-23

    Fri 19 May 2023

    Theme WRITING 

    Ash Class- Year 1 Mrs Lucas 


    I have chosen Jensen this week for the super effort he puts into all of his writing. Jensen listens to feedback given, remembers his punctuation and his presentation is always fantastic. Keep up the great effort Jensen! 


    Fir Class- Year 1 Miss Smith 


    I am so proud the progress that Ethan has made with his writing this year. His presentation and handwriting have really improved, and Ethan always makes sure to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in his sentences. Keep up the fantastic effort Ethan, well done!  


    Elm Class – Year 2 Miss Fazal 


    Danny has made excellent progress in his writing this year. I have been super proud of the different pieces of writing he has produced. He has been very creative in his writing and has developed his ideas effectively. Keep it up Danny! 


    Oak class – Year 2 Mrs Moss 


    Harper has made so much progress in her writing this year, I have been so proud of her dedication and determination to improve her spelling. Her handwriting is correctly formed, and she has developed lots of grammatical skills such as conjunctions, expanded noun phrases, commas in a list, questions and exclamations; which she works hard to include in her writing. Harper has amazing, creative ideas and I always enjoy reading her writing. Well done, Harper, keep it up!


    Juniper Class – Year 3 Miss Mannion 


    I am so proud of the progress Ivy has made with her writing this year. She shows so much enthusiasm in literacy lessons and always strives to achieve her best. She loves writing both at home and at school and uses time conjunctions, adjectives and fronted adverbials in her writing. Well done Ivy, keep up the good work! 


    Hazel Class – Year 3 Miss Keane 


    I could burst with pride when I speak about Emily and her progress in writing this year. It is so clear that all of the extra work she does in the afternoons with Miss Gibbs and Miss Hancox is paying off. Emily was very reliant at the start of year 3 but now is independently writing her own sentences with confidence. She recognises things do not need to be perfect straight away and is always willing to edit her work. So proud of you Emily. Keep it up.  


    Alder Class – Year 4 Mr Nawaz 


    Kasey has shown a lot of progress this week in her numeracy and literacy work. She has been using all of the Year 4 features in her writing and works really hard in numeracy. She is always very polite and uses her manners. Well done and keep it up! 


    Aspen class – Year 4 Miss Grant 


    Nazli is always looking for ways to be her very best as a writer. She presents her work beautifully, with care and attention to her handwriting and to how her work is spaced and laid out on the page. This makes it easy to read. She listens to feedback and works hard to include every feature that I have taught. Because of this she has made exceptional progress this year as a writer too.  


    Maple Class – Year 5 – Mrs Unitt 


    Chloe has made brilliant progress in her writing recently. Her confidence has grown, and this has helped develop Chloe’s writing and improve both vocabulary and cohesion. She now pays particular attention to our success criteria, enabling her to meet more targets. Keep up the good work Chloe. Well done!  


    Hawthorns Class - Year 5 – Mr Dallow  


    I cannot believe the progress that Lillie has made in developing her writing in Year 5. She has really built up her knowledge of grammar and how to use it effectively in her writing. Her writing stamina has vastly improved and she is now regularly producing good quality work making sure that she has met as many of the success criteria in our lesson as she can. Her reflectiveness in what she has written alongside her willingness to edit and improve has led to some fantastic pieces of writing.  


    Beech class – Year 6 Mr Hales 


    Most weeks, I have heard nothing but praise from Clare as she applauds and commends the progress and quality of Cayden’s writing. I am regularly given his book to look at and the difference between the start of the year and now is so stark. It is abundantly clear that Cayden has working extremely hard. His vocabulary choices and range of sentence structures really enliven his writing making it enjoyable to read; he has increased his range of punctuation and is able to use commas well to aid understanding and he has really begun to grasp the different structures used in a range of writing genres. This is amazing Cayden; you should be really proud. 


    Birch Class – Year 6 Mrs Webb 


    McKenzie’s writing has transformed since the beginning of this year. His concentration and efforts in class have really improved and this is part of the reason why he has made so much progress. His handwriting is now beautifully neat and joined, and the quantity of what he produces in lessons has more than doubled. Clare is animated when she speaks about how hard he tries to include specific grammar skills in his work. Not only does he do this in his literacy lessons, but I have seen him transfer these skills into wider curriculum lessons too. I am really proud of your hard work McKenzie, and you should be too. 


    Yew – Year 6 Mrs Jackson Mr Kelly Mr Rowe 


    Amelia has made a huge improvement with her overall writing. She has impressed Mr Hales with the attempted use of grammar and punctuation skills and there is a significant difference in her work. Because of this, Amelia’s confidence has increased which is fantastic to see. She put a lot of work and effort in to prepare for her SATS and her hard work is paying off. Amelia always presents her work beautifully and she should be as proud of her writing as we all are. Well done, Amelia and keep it up! 

  • Looking after your wellbeing online

    Wed 17 May 2023

    It’s given us online gaming social media and streaming but the internet also exposes us to things that don’t make us feel good about ourselves. The #WakeUpWednesday poster has some tips for protecting young people’s wellbeing Download >>

  • Our school is supporting the Once a Week, Take a Peek campaign.

    Mon 15 May 2023

    Our school is supporting the Once a Week, Take a Peek campaign, which aims to encourage parents to work together to beat head lice.


    Head lice are a normal part of childhood – with as many as one in ten children experiencing head lice at any time. Although anyone can get head lice, they are particularly common amongst children of primary school age, who spend more time in close contact with their friends.

    So you need to be vigilant and check your child’s hair regularly, ideally once every week. The best known symptom is itching, but not all children will itch at first so don’t rely on this. Leaving lice untreated can be a cause of distraction and irritation for children.

    The good news is that you can deal with head lice quickly and easily if you take the right action.

    To help you with this we are publishing a copy of the Once a Week, Take a Peek leaflet.

    The advice in this leaflet is in line with the latest guidelines on how to deal with head lice, and the content is approved by the Medical Entomology Centre, one of the world’s leading authorities on head lice.


    Parents Pack

    Head Lice Alert Cards
    A Once A Week, Take A Peek Campaign Poster


  • School Meal Price Increase in September 2023

    Tue 09 May 2023

    Due to the local government pay settlement and food inflation, our catering provider has increased the cost of a school meal for the academic year 23/24 commencing September 2023.

    The new price per meal will be at £2.70, for a two-course meal that meets all nutritional requirements.

    Please see our current menu below.